

Concentrated seaweed essence is a natural biological conservation agent, which is an active ingredient of plant growth hormone and hormone extracted from seaweed. It has the function of promoting crop growth, increasing yield and improving quality.
Second, the use of concentrated seaweed essence
1. Concentrated seaweed extract can be used by spray or root irrigation. The spray can be sprayed on the leaf surface and stem of strawberry seedlings after mixing concentrated seaweed extract with water in a ratio of 1:5000-800, or mixed with irrigation water for root irrigation.
2. Before using concentrated seaweed essence, it needs to be shaken and screened thoroughly to remove impurities suspended in the solution.
Third, suitable for the use of concentrated seaweed extract timing
Strawberry seedlings can generally use concentrated seaweed extract 2 to 3 weeks after transplantation. If the growth of strawberry seedlings is good, it can be used as needed, but it is generally used once every 7-10 days.
4. The role of concentrated seaweed essence
1. Promote the growth and development of strawberry seedlings, increase yield and quality.
2. Improve the immunity of strawberry seedlings and enhance the resistance of strawberry seedlings.
3. It can promote the absorption and utilization of nutrients of strawberry seedlings and improve the quality and taste of strawberry seedlings.
5. Precautions
1. The concentrated seaweed essence should be prepared according to the proportion of the instructions. Excessive use or improper use will cause negative effects on strawberry seedlings.
2. It is recommended to spray or irrigate in the morning or evening, and avoid doing it in strong sunlight.
3. Before use, the concentrated seaweed essence should be fully shaken and screened to ensure that the strawberry seedlings absorb the effective ingredients.
4. While using concentrated seaweed extract, it is also necessary to pay attention to the daily management of strawberry seedlings, such as fertilization, watering, weed removal, etc



Post time: Jun-27-2024