

Colorless and odorless crystal, melting point 210.5℃-212.5℃ (decomposition), vapor pressure at 25℃ 4nPa. At 23℃, the solubility in water is 31mg/L (PH7.25℃), ethane 0.002, methanol 4.20, dichloromethane 0.003, toluene 0.40, acetone 6.67, ethyl acetate 1.1 (g/l, 20℃) can easily be converted into optical conductor by light, and PH5~9 is stable at room temperature. It was not decomposed in the accelerated storage stability study (14 days at 54 ° C).
Usage method
When the cotton peach is 70% cracked, 100g of 50% wettable powder is used per mu, the whole plant is sprayed with water, and the leaves begin to fall in 10 days, the flocculation increases, and the peak is reached in 15 days.
Cotton defoliation
Comparison of advantages and disadvantages of thidiazuron (TDZ) and ethephon alone:
Ethephon: The ripening effect of ethephon is better, but the defoliation effect is poor! When used on cotton, it can quickly crack the cotton peach and dry the leaves, but there are also many advantages and disadvantages of ethylene:
1, the ripening effect of ethephon is good, but the defoliation effect is poor, it makes the leaves form “dry without falling”, especially when the use of mechanical harvesting of cotton pollution is very serious.
2, at the same time of ripening, the cotton plant also quickly lost water and died, and the young bolls on the top of the cotton also died, and the cotton production was more serious.
3, cotton batting is not good, cotton peach cracking is easy to form a shell, reduce the efficiency of harvesting, especially when mechanical harvesting, it is easy to harvest unclean, the formation of secondary harvesting, increase the cost of harvesting.
4, ethephon will also affect the length of cotton fiber, reduce cotton varieties, easy to form dead cotton.
Thiamethoxam benzene lung: thiamethoxam defoliation excellent results of benzene, ripening effect than ethrel, larger is conditioned by the weather (a few good factory production technology, production of thiamethoxam long effective fertilizer, can reduce larger thiamethoxam benzene lung weather conditionality), but the rational use of is to be able to play a good effect of:
1, after the use of thidiazuron (TDZ), it can make the cotton plant itself produce abscisic acid and ethylene, resulting in the formation of a separate layer between the petiole and the cotton plant, so that the cotton leaves fall off by themselves.
2. thidiazuron (TDZ) can quickly transfer nutrients to young cotton bolls on the upper part of the plant while the leaves are still green, and the cotton plant will not die, achieving ripening, defoliation, yield increase, quality enhancement and multi-effect combination.
3, thidiazuron (TDZ) can make cotton early, cotton boll batting relatively early, concentrated, increase the proportion of cotton before frost. Cotton does not clip the shell, does not drop the wadding, does not drop the flower, increases the fiber length, improves the garment fraction, is conducive to mechanical and artificial harvesting.
4. The efficacy of thiazenon is maintained for a long time, and the leaves will fall off in the green state, completely solving the problem of “dry but not falling”, reducing the pollution of the leaves on the machine cotton picking, and improving the quality and efficiency of the mechanized cotton picking operation.
5, thidiazuron (TDZ) can also reduce the harm of pests in the later period.

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Post time: Aug-28-2024