

1. Amino acid  high content, full nutrition, long fertilizer effect, fast fertilizer effect, high absorption and utilization rate,
This product is not only rich in fast available nitrogen up to 17%, but also rich in long-term organic ecological nitrogen up to 16%, can be directly absorbed by crops 10% of amino acids, organic matter 20%, highly active, chelate organic biological potassium 2%, medium and trace rare earth elements 10%, active bacterial agent, growth promotion and disease resistance agent, fertilizer controlled release synergism agent, soil conditioner, anti-recropping agent. Cell activating factors, the total effective ingredients up to more than 80, can control soil urinary enzyme activity, accelerate the rapid cycle of nutrient decomposition and release, nitrogen fixation, phosphorus, potassium, activate the soil, improve soil permeability, promote photosynthesis, greatly improve the absorption and utilization rate and fertilizer period. The fertilization period can last 80-120 days. The absorption and utilization rate can reach more than 75%, which is twice that of urea, so it has the fast effect of inorganic nitrogen fertilizer, and the long-term effect of ecological urea and organic fertilizer and the special effect of microorganisms and micro-fertilizers, and the combination of organic and inorganic, quick effect, long-term effect and special effect.
2, improve the ecological environment of crops, inhibit pests and diseases, and resist repeat crops.
3, eliminate compaction without deep ploughing regenerative fertilizer
This product has good ion exchange and PH value adjustment effect, improve soil aggregate structure, to achieve air permeability, fertilizer, water retention, heat preservation, drought resistance, cold resistance, waterlogging resistance, dry hot air resistance, lodging resistance and other stress resistance. It can make the root expand a large number of complex bacteria, synthesize nitrogen fertilizer from the air, chelate a variety of inorganic elements that have been fixed by the soil from the soil, for crops to absorb, so as to achieve the role of regenerative fertilizer.
4, the product produced in the production process of pure natural growth promotion and disease resistance factors, enzyme preparation, regulatory factors, etc., can completely improve the quality of crops, the effect of increasing production is obvious, the use of this product seedling Qi seedling strong root developed, less pests and diseases, strong stems and leaves, control Wang long, thousand grain weight, high yield, can increase 30%-50%, can restore natural flavor, good taste, high sugar content, high amino acid content, etc. It completely solved the fundamental problems of long and prosperous seedling period, weak in the middle period and poor fruit in the later period of defattening.

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Post time: Aug-09-2024