

yphosate is a non-selective, non-residue herbicide that is very effective against perennial root weeds and is widely used in rubber, mulberry, tea, orchards and sugarcane fields. Phosphate synthase, thereby inhibiting the conversion of herbidine into phenylalanine, tyrosine and tryptophan, interfering with protein synthesis and causing plant death. Glycine reaches all parts of the plant after being absorbed through the stems and leaves, and can control plants from more than 40 families including monocotyledonous and dicotyledonous, annual and perennial, herbaceous and dense plants. After glyphosate is put into the soil, it quickly combines with metal ions such as iron and aluminum and loses its activity.
Initially used in rubber gardens to control thatch and other weeds, it can enable rubber trees to tap rubber one year earlier and increase the production of old rubber trees. Now it is gradually promoted in forestry, orchards, mulberry gardens, tea gardens, rice-wheat, rice and rapeseed rotation fields, etc. Various weeds have different sensitivities to glyphosate, so the dosage of glyphosate is also different. For annual weeds such as barnyard grass, foxtail grass, milfoil, goosegrass, crabgrass, pigweed and other annual weeds, the dosage in terms of active ingredients is 6 to 10.5 g/100m2. The amount of active ingredients used for Plantain Seed, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Commelina spp., etc. is 11.4~15g/100m2. For cogongrass, bone grass, reeds, etc., 18~30g/100m2 is required. Generally, 3~4.5kg of water is added, and the stems and leaves of weeds are sprayed evenly and directionally. Generally, for broadleaf weeds in the early germination or flowering stage, and grasses at the late jointing stage or early heading stage, spray 20-30 kg of water per acre. Plants that have had their stems and leaves cut off should wait until the weeds have grown enough to have enough new leaves before applying pesticides. When controlling perennial weeds, divide the dosage into two times and apply them 5 days apart to improve the control effect.
1. Weeding in orchards, mulberry orchards, etc.: To control annual weeds, use 0.5-1 kg of 10% aqueous agent per acre, and to control perennial weeds, use 1-1.5 kg of 10% aqueous agent per acre. Mix 20-30 kg of water and spray directional spray on the stems and leaves of weeds.
2. Weeding in farmland: Prevent weeds that have grown in the field before sowing. The amount can be referred to weeding in orchards. During the growth period of cotton, directional spraying with a hood is required. Use 0.5-0.75 kg of 10% aqueous agent per acre and mix with 20-30 kg of water.
3. Weeding on leisure land, field edges and roadside: At the 4-6 leaf stage of weeds, use 0.5-1 kg of 10% aqueous agent per acre, add 100 ml of diesel, mix with 20-30 kg of water, and spray the weeds.
4. For some growing weeds, such as Cyperus rotundus, reed, etc., 200 grams of additives can be added per acre to achieve good weeding effects.

1. Glyphosate is a biocidal herbicide. When applying the herbicide, be sure not to contaminate the crops to avoid phytotoxicity.
2. For perennial malignant weeds, such as Imperata cogongrass, Cyperus rotundus, etc., the ideal control effect can be achieved by applying the pesticide again one month after the first application.
3. The effect is best when applied on sunny days and high temperatures. Re-spraying should be carried out in case of rain within 4-6 hours after spraying.
4. Glyphosate is acidic, so plastic containers should be used whenever possible when storing and using it.
5. Spraying equipment should be cleaned repeatedly.
6. When the packaging is damaged, moisture may return and agglomerate under high humidity, and crystals may precipitate during low-temperature storage. The container should be fully shaken to dissolve the crystals to ensure efficacy.
7. It is a systemic conductive herbicide. When applying the herbicide, pay attention to prevent the mist from drifting to non-target plants and causing damage.
8. It is easy to complex with calcium, magnesium, aluminum and other ions and lose activity. Clean soft water should be used when diluting pesticides. Adding muddy water or dirty water will reduce the efficacy of the pesticide.
Purchasing misunderstandings:
Myth 1: The higher the content, the better
Since the withdrawal of 10% glyphosate aqueous solution from the market, 33% glyphosate ammonium salt, 41% glyphosate isopropylamine salt, and 37% potassium salt aqueous solution have become mainstream products in the market. Currently, the active ingredient of the three aqueous solutions is glyphosate. The phosphonic acid content is 30%, which means that if the content reaches this standard, it is genuine. Therefore, when purchasing, you cannot simply judge that 41% products are better than 33% products. You must pay attention to the active ingredients marked on the product label, especially the content of glyphosate acid. Generally, regular products will list the active ingredient glyphosate. Acid and glyphosate salt content are indicated.
Myth 2: The lower the price, the better
The price of some glyphosate products is much lower than the market price. Usually there are problems such as low active ingredient content and poor production technology. The weeding effect will be greatly reduced. In order to be cheap, you need to buy more medicine to achieve the desired effect. In addition, it also has major side effects, causing problems such as soil compaction and polluting the environment. If the price is too high, you should also consider whether some hidden ingredients are added, and pay attention to safety issues during use.


Post time: Jan-10-2024