

Various elements are indispensable for crop growth. Iron, as an important trace element for plant growth, plays the role of electron transfer in the plant body and is the most important substance in chlorophyll synthesis

Plant iron deficiency symptoms: It is not easy to move in the plant, and iron deficiency first appears on young leaves. It is characterized by intervein discoloration, and the whole young leaves are yellowish-white in severe cases. Iron deficiency often occurs in high PH soil.

Highly active chelated iron Fertilizer: EDDHA-Fe organic iron supplement

Quality index:

Appearance: purplish red or brown solid powder, soluble in water

Content: Chelated iron content: ≥*** (C18H16N2O6FeNa)

Iron content: ≥6.0%,

PH7.0 ~ 9.0 (0.1% aqueous solution)

Product features:

The high clinical value was 4.8, and the crop absorption rate could reach ***

The fertilizer efficiency is highly stable in the PH range of 3-12, for physiologically iron-deficient soil ***.

High completeness, good slow release, long duration

Usage and dosage:

Irrigation method: Add appropriate amount of water according to the iron deficiency situation, evenly pour into the soil around the tree crown or both sides of the fruit tree, if the soil permeability is not good, it is necessary to dig 15-20 cm deep groove, pour the solution into the groove and fill it. In the case of flood irrigation, the EDDHA-FE chelated iron can be applied with water at 1kg/ mu each time. Fruit trees or shrubs can be injected into plant roots.

Drip irrigation and flushing application method: regularly add irrigation water, with water flushing application, application times according to the severity of iron deficiency, the appropriate amount of increase or decrease, 70-100g/ mu.

Foliar spraying: water dilution 1000-3000 times applied, spray once a week, continuous spray 2-3 times. (The number of sprays depends on the level of iron deficiency).

Instructions for use:

In the range of soil PH value 3-12, plants can be well absorbed. (The higher the PH, the greater the advantage of EDDHA chelated iron over EDTA chelated iron and other ferrous)

It can be mixed with other micro fertilizers, agricultural chemicals and soluble phosphate fertilizers.

Foliar spraying method and precautions:

EDDHA-Fe6 chelated iron 6 for foliar spraying and irrigation around the tree root effect is very good, spraying once a week, generally continuous spraying 2-3 times to achieve the ideal effect (depending on the degree of iron deficiency).

Apply on cloudy days or morning and evening.

If it rains within 4 hours after spraying, reapply once. Spray concentration: flowers and vegetable crops: 50-100 g/mu (depending on the degree of iron deficiency). Spray concentration 0.05-0.1%. Fruit: 30g/mu, the use concentration is 0.1%. Hydroponic solution: A 1ppm(17.86mmol/l) iron fertilizer solution can be obtained by adding 17 grams of chelated iron fertilizer to 1 cubic meter of water.

EDDHA-Fe6 chelated iron suitable for plants: peach tree, kiwi tree, grape tree, date tree, citrus tree, banana tree, etc.

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Post time: Aug-22-2024