

Phosphoric acid (including polyphosphoric acid) is neutralized with ammonia and processed into a nitrogen and phosphorus compound fertilizer. This is the largest and most popular type of fertilizer, suitable for almost all soils and crops, with a high concentration of active ingredients and not easy to absorb moisture clumping. Ammonium phosphate can also be used as flame retardants for fabrics and fibers, culture fluids in the fermentation industry, food additives and feed additives, acidifiers in the printing and dyeing industry, and dry powder fire extinguishing agent ingredients for fire fighting. The production process of ammonium phosphate fertilizer is the combination of phosphate fertilizer production process and ammonia processing process of nitrogen fertilizer production, which is economically reasonable.
Industrial production of ammonium phosphate began in the 1920s, but on a small scale. In the early 1960s, the production technology of wet phosphoric acid tended to be perfect, and ammonium phosphate had relatively cheap raw materials, and the production developed very rapidly, with the fastest development in the United States. In 1968, the production of ammonium phosphate fertilizers in the United States (in terms of P2O5) was about half of the total phosphate fertilizer production, which increased to 74.1% in 1981.
Varieties Ammonium phosphate fertilizer varieties can be divided into three categories.
(1) Ammonium orthophosphate, is the largest class of production, the main varieties are diammonium phosphate, monoammonium phosphate and a mixture of the two.
(2) Ammonium polyphosphate is a mixture of ammonium orthophosphate and ammonium phosphate salts of different polymerization degrees, which are mostly used in the manufacture of fluid complex fertilizers.
(3) A compound fertilizer made of ammonium phosphate and other nitrogen fertilizers.
Water soluble fertilizer with many elements
Water Soluble Fertilizer (WSF) is a kind of multi-component composite fertilizer that can be completely dissolved in water. It can be quickly dissolved in water, and it is easier to be absorbed by crops. Moreover, its absorption and utilization rate are relatively high. To achieve the integration of water and fertilizer, to achieve the efficiency of saving water, saving fertilizer and saving labor. In general, water-soluble fertilizers can contain all the nutrients needed for crop growth, such as N, P, K, Ca, Mg, S and trace elements. In this way, people can completely design the formula according to the nutritional requirements required by the growth of crops, and the scientific formula will not cause the waste of fertilizer, so that the fertilizer utilization rate is almost 2-3 times that of conventional compound chemical fertilizers (in China, the fertilizer utilization rate of ordinary compound fertilizers is only 30%-40%). It can allow growers to quickly see the effect and performance of fertilizer, and can adjust the fertilizer formula according to different crop growth. Of course, the application method of water-soluble fertilizer is very simple, it can be used with irrigation water, including sprinkler irrigation, drip irrigation and other ways to fertilize irrigation, saving water, saving fertilizer, but also saving labor, which in the case of rising labor costs, the use of water-soluble fertilizer benefits are obvious. Since the application method of water-soluble fertilizer is irrigation with water, the fertilization is extremely uniform, which also lays a solid foundation for improving the yield and quality. Water-soluble fertilizers are generally less impurities, low conductivity, and the use concentration is very convenient to adjust, so it is safe even for young seedlings, and there is no need to worry about causing adverse consequences such as burning seedlings. At the same time, according to the requirements of crops, a large number of water-soluble fertilizers must have the following technical characteristics:
(1) The water-soluble chelated trace element composition added to the composition should avoid antagonistic effects with phosphorus.
(2) For crops, it can significantly improve the photosynthesis of crops, improve the yield and quality of crops, increase the sugar content, enhance the cold resistance, drought resistance, disease resistance, lodging resistance and other stress resistance, and extend the shelf life.
(3) The addition of high-potassium formula can quickly meet the demand for potassium when the fruit and kernel are enlarged, increase the sweetness of the fruit, improve the fruit coloring, and extend the storage time.


Post time: May-27-2024