

seaweed extract advantage
1. Full nutrition, rich in material components required for plant growth and development.
2. Small dosage, only 16 ~ 48ml per mu;
3. Low agricultural cost can reduce the use of other fertilizers and pesticides;
4. Good effect, fertilizer efficiency test shows that the input-output ratio is 1:10 ~ 50;
5. Safe, environmental protection, no toxic side effects to humans and animals, no pollution to the environment.

seaweed extract Main function
1. Promote seed germination and increase germination rate, which is conducive to breeding and strengthening seedlings;
2. Promote the development of plant roots and help plants absorb water and nutrients;
3. Activate trace elements to counter the antagonistic effect of phosphate on most trace elements in soil, which is conducive to the absorption of trace elements by plants.
4. Improve the activity of various enzymes in the plant body, enhance the metabolic activity of the plant, and facilitate the growth and balanced growth of the plant;
5. Promote flower bud differentiation, increase fruit setting rate, promote fruit expansion and bright color, early maturation;
6. Enhance plant stress resistance, improve plant resistance to drought, cold, pests and diseases;
7. Increase crop yield and improve agricultural product quality.

seaweed extract Usage method
1. Foliar spraying: mixed into 1:1500 ~ 2000 times water solution evenly sprayed on the plant leaf surface and flowers, sprayed every 15 ~ 20 days.
2. Irrigation root: 1:2000 ~ 3000 times water solution is poured on the root of the crop according to the conventional amount.
3. Seed immersion: prepared into 1:1000 times aqueous solution, according to the conventional seed immersion, seeding.


Post time: Aug-26-2024