gibberelic acid 10% /20% tablet CAS No.77-06-5
Glbberelllc acld is a kind of efficient plant growth regulator, promote crop growth, early matureimprove quality and increase production. lt can be used for rice, wheat and barley, cotton, fruit,vegetables and other crops, promote its growth, sprout, blossom and bear fruit.
1.Enable greater photosynthesis and plantmetabolism.
2.Allow the production of bigger leaves,and bigger root system.
3.Increase cell growth in stems, leaves androots.
4.Used for production of elongated stemsin plants grown as standard and half-standard horticulture crops.
5.Can be used to increase stem length in anumber of flower crops grown for theflower trade.
6.Increase flower size.
7.mprove establishment and growth ofyoung plants produced from cuttings,seed or plugs.
8.Used to help plants suffering nutrientand growth deficiencies.
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